Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let's print & make your Japanese text -Hiragana list-

Hi everyone how are you?
I am good. Today it was sunny day in Tokyo.
So, I enjoyed the sunshine.

Let's start today's lesson.

How about your own Japanese text?
You cut your favorite Japanese pictures and study also.
You make your own Japanese text.
For this one step, I made Japanese "Hiragana" list. As you know there is some characters in Japanese. For example, If I type "Nihon (Japan)", in Hiragana =にほん, in Katakana = ニホン, in Kanji (Chinese character) 日本. Hiragana is the most basic of these characters.

I made this list as B5, so please set your paper B5, or A4 etc...
You can put on your own notebook, or on your wall.

Next time, I will make "Katakana" list. Then Let's practice pronunciation :)

Have a nice day!!!
Your Japanese teacher, MiSaKi

Hiragana list 1,2


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